Sunday, June 2, 2019
The Sequence Of Chemical Reactions :: essays research papers
The Sequence of Chemical ReactionsINTRODUCTION This experiment was to recover the most amount of hair after itis subjected to a sequence of reactions. The copper is originally in solidform, but the reactions will turn it into free Cu+2 ions floating in declaration.The ions will then be regrouped to form solid copper once again. During thisprocess, however, some of the Cu+2 ions may be lost. The copper will subjectedto changes in pH and heat. These steps were responsible for the breakdown andreconstruction of the copper. The part of copper retrieved will reflect theskill with which the reactions were administered.EXPERIMENTAL On an analytical balance, measure the mass of the copper while inthe vial. Remove approximately 0.35 g into a 250 mL beaker. check the balanceand record the mass of the remaining mixture in the vial. In the laboratoryhood, dissolve the copper with 3 mL of nitric acid. Allow the beaker toremain under the hood until the fumes cease. The remaining solution shou ld beblue. Bring the beaker back to the lab station and add 10 mL of distilledwater. Stir the mixture, all the while adding 8 mL of 6M of NaOH to thebeaker. Check with litmus paper to ensure that it is slightly basic. Fill thebeaker with up to 100 mL mark with distilled water. Heat the solution and allowit to boil for 5 minutes. Prepare a squirt bottle with white water. Filter thesolution and rinse the beaker with the hot water. Rinse the filter cake withhot distilled water. Transfer the filter paper into a clean beaker. Add 10mL of 3M sulfuric acid to the beaker in order to dissolve the filtrate. Removeand rinse the filter paper. Now add 0.35 g of zinc powder to the solution andstir until the solution becomes clear. Dissolve the inordinateness zinc with moresulfuric acid. Decant the liquid with a stirring rod, retaining only the copper.Rinse the copper with distilled water and steam dry. Weigh the mass.DATA/RESULTS sign mass of copper (g)0.319 final mass ofcopper (g)0.305 % recovery = (final mass/initial mass) x 10095.6OBSERVATIONS -between steps 1 through 4 the solution is blue. -between steps 5through 8 the solution is dark brown. -between steps 9 through 12 the solutionis blue-green. -between steps 13 through 16 the Zinc turns red as the blue colorslowly leaves the solution.CALCULATIONS % Recovery = (final mass / initial mass) x 100 % Recovery = (0.
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